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Company offers employees unsick days so they can visit the doctor-公司提供「無病」假讓員工看醫生


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U.S. midsection grapples with pesky ice storm ; more on the way 美國中部對付惱人的冰風暴;更多冰風暴接踵而至


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Poison Garden  致命的美麗 —— 安尼克毒藥花園


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Facebook generation lonelier than elderly 「臉書世代」比老年人更寂寞


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Living Life Online with Live Streaming  線上直播:網路新風潮

Bertus van Aswegen

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Toxic chemicals banned in dishwashing liquids 洗碗精禁用有毒化學品


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Up in the Air!—The Popularity of Renting Online  共享經濟——歡迎到我家

James Baron

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Number of marriages hits record low 結婚率創新低


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Zorbing   翻滾吧!太空球


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American pandas have culture shock in China


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Japanese people are living so long that the countrys definition of "elderly" could change

日本人超長壽 改寫全國「老年」定義

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A Taste of Pancakes across the Planet


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Beer is now officially one of humanitys greatest achievements 啤酒正式成為人類最偉大成就之一


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Lagos: The Future New York City of Africa?


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The West End and Broadway

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Cat in a Box  為何貓咪愛紙箱?


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First-born children more intelligent due to extra mental stimulation from parents-第一胎生的小孩「更聰明」,因為來自父母的額外心理刺激


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Living Life to the Fullest, Even with Disabilities

突破困境把握人生 —— 蕾貝卡‧亞歷山大

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Japanese designer creates solar powered coat that charges your phone 日本設計師創造出可幫手機充電的太陽能外套


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Putting Time on Your Side with the Pomodoro Technique  番茄時間管理法讓工作更有效率

Jay Sailors

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