精英翻譯 出自 http://www.grindtv.com/outdoor/outposts/post/snow-artist-alps-canvas/
雪景藝術家 Simon Beck 以阿爾卑斯山作為畫布
初降的空白雪景是藝術家Simon Beck的靈感來源,他用一雙雪鞋,
All artists are unique, in terms of creativity, and Simon Beck is no exception.
所有的藝術家都有自己獨特的創作方式,Simon Beck也不例外。
His canvas is as vast as the Alps because it is the Alps, and his primary tools are a vivid imagination, a compass, and a pair of snowshoes.
The typical result, as viewers of his snow drawings might attest, is beautifully stark and precise.
Beck, who this week released a book titled “Simon Beck: Snow Art,” has been honing this unusual craft for about 10 years. Working mostly at night with a headlamp, he generally produces about 30 snow drawings a year.
Beck本週出了新書,書名是「Simon Beck:雪景藝術」,十年來他一直持續砥礪精進這份特別的技藝。他大多數在夜晚進行工作,以頭燈照明,平均一年完成30幅雪景繪畫。
Each masterpiece takes 10 to 12 hours to complete.
Beck, 56, this week told The Guardian that he’s inspired by any fresh blanket of snow.
“When you have a blank piece of paper, you draw on it,” he said. “So drawing on a blank snowfall seemed like a natural thing to do.”
His canvas is wiped clean, obviously, by the next big storm.
The artist once stated on Facebook, “Most of the skiers think I am a bit mad, and it’s a waste of good skiing time. I agree, hence the preference for working at night. But I hope to spread the message [that] the mountains and snow are beautiful and worth preserving.”
"I hope to spread the message [that] the mountains and snow are beautiful and worth preserving, and there are better things in life than spending so much time doing things you don't want to so that you can spend money you haven't got (yet) to buy things you don't need to impress people you don't like."
連擊連結看Simon Beck的作品:http://snowart.gallery/see.php?s=Snow%20Art&p=6