Paradoxically, McDonald's greatest asset seems to long have been its largest hurdle: its brand. Recognized the world over, the Golden Arches have become as much synonymous with profitability as with poor employment opportunities, globalization and insalubrious menu items. Thus, as global consumers' dietary preferences trend toward variety and nutrition, McDonald's has evolved to combat its recent streak of lukewarm sales.
With the ascension of Steve Easterbrook to corporate CEO in 2015 came a wave of overhauls. To shake the company's connotation of unhealthiness, Easterbrook upped the quality of the franchise's fare, switching out margarine for butter, removing high-fructose corn syrup from its buns and vowing to reduce antibiotics and artificial preservatives in its poultry. The last of these decisions reportedly pushed the company's domestic 2016 Q4 sales up nearly 10 percent. Unlike Ed Rensi, a predecessor who wished to outsource the restaurant's labor force to machines, the company's current CEO asserts that the human element is crucial to the restaurant business. McDonald's even reported improvement in both employee and customer satisfaction after Easterbrook raised staff pay and increased employee training.
隨著史蒂夫.伊斯特布魯克於 2015 年晉升為企業執行長,一波波的改革行動就此展開。為擺脫公司帶給人不健康的聯想,伊斯特布魯克提升了這家連鎖餐廳的餐點品質,將瑪琪琳汰換為牛油,拿掉漢堡麵包裡的高果糖玉米糖漿,並誓言降低雞肉裡的抗生素與人造防腐劑含量。最後的這項決策據稱促使麥當勞 2016 年第四季的國內銷量攀升近 10%。不像前任執行長艾德.倫西曾希望把餐廳的人力需求外包給機器,現任執行長主張人的元素對於餐飲行業至關重要。在伊斯特布魯克提高員工薪資,並增加員工訓練之後,麥當勞甚至聲稱員工與顧客滿意度都有所改善。
This is not to say that Easterbrook has eschewed technological innovation altogether. As of Q4 2016, McDonald's modified approximately 2,600 international restaurants to incorporate its Just for You platform. Gone is Ray Kroc's minimalist, neon-plastic vision meant to deter loitering. Remodeled restaurants now contain digital ordering kiosks which allow for menu customization, mobile pay options and table service in more inviting dining areas.
這不表示伊斯特布魯克完全捨棄了科技創新。截至 2016 年第四季,麥當勞改裝了約兩千六百家國外餐廳,以納入該公司的「只有為你」平台。雷.克洛克當初為了阻止顧客多停留而設計的極簡風霓虹塑膠裝設已不復見。現在,經過改裝的餐廳設有數位點餐亭,提供客製化的菜單選擇、行動支付選項,並在更舒適宜人的用餐區提供送餐服務。