From the Classroom to the Boardroom 創業不是夢 ── 十四歲少年勇闖職場
One teenager's invention could become the world's next big success story.
Taylor Rosenthal is not your typical teenager since he spends his time negotiating million-dollar business deals. This 14-year-old boy from Alabama had an idea for a new kind of vending machine. Rather than selling candy or soda, it would give out first-aid materials. Now, Rosenthal's idea could make him one of the world's newest multi-millionaires.
The idea came to Rosenthal when he was at a baseball tournament . He noticed that many of the players got minor injuries. His first thought was to set up a small stand to sell medical supplies, but he realized it would cost too much to pay someone to sit there. Thus, the RecMed vending machine was born. He made a prototype in 2015 and quickly raised a hundred thousand dollars from investors . This would be an amazing accomplishment on its own, but he wasn't done yet.
羅森塔爾是在一場棒球錦標賽中想出了這個點子。他注意到有許多的球員會受到輕傷。他的第一個想法是設立一個小型醫療用品銷售站,但他意識到那會花費太多錢來請人顧店。因此,RecMed 自動販賣機誕生了。他在 2015 年做出了一個原型,並迅速地從投資者那裡募集到十萬美元。這是一項驚人的成就,但他並沒有因此停歇。
Last year, Rosenthal tried to sell his vending machines at amusement parks and stadiums. Seeing the possibilities, one business offered him US$30 million for the idea. Amazingly, Rosenthal turned it down because he was looking for something in the neighborhood of US$50 million, and not a penny less. This young man is shaping up to be the next business icon.