The armed forces were due to provide some 13,500 servicemen and women 由於軍隊已提供了約1.35萬安保服務人員
Labour is demanding urgent answers from the government on why 3,500 extra troops are being drafted in for Olympics security. 關於為什麼還要再增派3500名軍人從事奧運會安保工作,工黨正急切要求政府就此問題進行回覆。
The defence secretary had been due to submit a statement but is now being urged to explain to MPs in person.國防部長已提交一份聲明,但目前正督促他親自向國會議員進行說明。
The troops are in addition to 13,500 already agreed, amid fears contractor G4S may not have enough trained staff. 除了1.35萬名軍人已經同意,還擔心這期間承包公司G4S可能沒有足夠的訓練有素的工作人員。
G4S said it had "encountered some delays" in processing applicants through the final stages of training. G4S 說,在處理申請人通過最後階段訓練過程中“遇到一些延誤”。
Labour's Tessa Jowell said there was "clearly a serious problem".工黨的特莎.喬薇爾說“顯然出現了嚴重問題”。
Meanwhile, the chief inspector of borders has raised fresh concerns about the border controls at Heathrow in the run-up to the Olympics. 同時,關於奧運會助跑階段希思羅機場的邊界管制,邊界總督察對此提出了新的擔憂。
'No impact'‘沒影響’
G4S is being paid £300m supply 10,000 guards for the Games, but the BBC understands it has not been able to guarantee it can deliver that number.奧組會將支付G4S 3億英鎊而G4S應提供1萬名奧運安保人員,但是英國廣播公司明白G4S已不能保證可以提供這一人數。
Security minister James Brokenshire told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that G4S had previously been very clear about their ability to comply with the terms of their contract.安全部長詹姆斯.布洛肯希爾告訴BBC廣播4台的“今日”節目,G4S先前就已經非常清楚他們有能力遵守合同條約。
"We've been challenging them, asking the questions, really going down and kicking the tyres and doing all those sorts of things and they have been very robust about the fact that they would deliver on the contract. It has only been in these last few weeks that these issues have emerged."我們一直質疑他們,不停問問題,確確實實下去進行了深入調查也做了所有各種各樣類似的事,他們非常堅定他們能履行合同。只是在最後幾個星期出現了這些問題。
He said the agreed fee to G4S included payments to guards and that it would obviously be reduced if the company provided fewer of them.他說,商議好的支付給G4S的費用包括安保人員的薪資,顯然如果G4S提供的人數不足的話,那麼也會減少這筆費用。
In a statement, G4S said its Games deployment was "unprecedented and very complex" and being "carried out to a very tight schedule".G4S在一份聲明中說,運動會部署是“空前的,相當複雜的”並且“要在非常緊迫的時間內執行”。
The company said it had 4,000 staff working across 100 venues and more than 9,000 still being trained, vetted and accredited. 該公司表示,已經投入4千名工作人員遍佈100個場館,還有超過9千人仍在進行培訓、審核和認證。
"We have encountered some delays in progressing applicants through the final stages but we are working extremely hard to process these as swiftly as possible," it said.還表示,“我們在處理申請人通過最後階段訓練過程中遇到一些延誤,但我們正在非常努力盡可能迅速處理這些問題。”
"We understand the government's decision to bring in additional resources and will work with Locog, the military and other agencies to deliver a safe and secure Games." 我們理解政府引入額外人力資源的這一決定,並將與倫敦奧組委、軍隊和其他機構共事以便實現一個安全安心的奧運會。
'Safe and secure'‘安全安心’
In a statement, the Home Office said: "We have agreed to offer help to G4S by revising the level of military support." 內政部在一份聲明中說:“我們已經同意向G4S提供幫助,修改軍事支持力度。”
"The government is committing £553m for venue security and we remain confident that we will deliver within budget."“政府將承諾撥款5.53億英鎊用於場館安全工作,我們仍然有信心我們將在預算之內交付這筆錢。”
Keith Vaz, the Labour chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, said he would write to the home secretary for an explanation.民政事務專責委員會工党主席基斯.瓦茲表示,將寫信給內政大臣要求得到一個解釋。
He said he was "deeply concerned" that G4S were unable to deliver their contract and that "the Home Office have left contingency plans to the last moment". 他說,他“深感擔憂”G4S不能履行他們的合同並且“內政部已經為最後一刻準備了應急預案”。