Fingerprints prove more than just identity 指紋不只能驗明身分
U.S. scientists say they have developed technology that can detect trace amounts of explosives, drugs or many other substances through fingerprints.
Purdue University researchers say their new technology -- desorption electrospray ionization, or DESI -- can also distinguish between overlapping fingerprints left by different individuals
Professor R. Graham Cooks, the lead researcher, says DESI can read a fingerprint’s chemical signature to determine what a person recently handled.
DESI involves spraying a solvent onto a fingerprinted surface and then analyzing the droplets that scatter off the print. The technique provides a "chemical image" of the fingerprint with higher resolution than other techniques, allowing researchers to detect minute traces of compounds that were on the fingertips of the person who left the print.
The image can also be analyzed with standard fingerprint imaging software to try and identify that person. On the forensics front, this technique can pick up small amounts of drugs like cocaine or THC from marijuana, as well as compounds from explosives.