
The Father of the World Wide Web    全球資訊網之父 ── 提姆‧柏內茲─李




The invention of the World Wide Web can be tracked to one man: Sir Timothy Berners-Lee.



   Born in 1955, Sir Timothy Berners-Lee showed an early talent with computers, which were still a new invention. He later got his degree from The Queen's College, Oxford, and became a computer engineer. After working on computer networks for several years, he saw a chance to connect the world's computers together. He took this idea and created the World Wide Web.

   提姆‧柏內茲─李爵士出生於 1955 年,在電腦還是一項新發明時就展現了他早年對於電腦的才華。後來,他取得牛津大學王后學院的學位,成為了一位電腦工程師。在研究電腦網路許多年後,他看見了一個把全世界的電腦連接在一起的機會。他便運用了這個想法,創造出全球資訊網。


   In March of 1989, he came up with a way to connect computers using something called Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which is still used on most websites today. By November of that same year, he made the first connection, and the Internet as we know it quickly grew. It allowed computers from all over the world to share information.

   1989 年三月,他想出了一個叫作超文字傳輸協定的方式將電腦連接,這也是今日大多數網站仍在使用的方法。同年十一月,他做了第一次連接,而我們所熟知的網際網路便迅速成長了起來。這使得來自世界各地的電腦可以共享訊息。


   Berners-Lee decided to make his invention free for the world to use. He also set up the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This is an organization designed to control the Internet and make sure it remains free and open to use. Since he helped invent the Internet, Berners-Lee has continued to fight for people's right to use the World Wide Web, especially people in developing countries. The World Wide Web is one of the greatest inventions of human history, and its inventor wants to make sure that it continues to help everyone.



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