California to become first state to ban retail sales of cats and dogs-加州成為美國第一個禁止零售貓狗的州
A new California law will soon put a leash on pet store sales, becoming the first state to ban retail sales of cats, dogs and rabbits in an effort to crack down on breeding mills.
A bill signed in October, AB 485, goes into effect January 1. It says pet stores can only sell cats, dogs and rabbits that come from local rescue groups, shelters or animal control agencies.
(2018年)10月簽署、(2019年)1月1日生效的AB 485法案規定,寵物店只能販售來自當地(動物)救援團體、庇護所或動物管制機構的貓、狗與兔。
Pet stores will also have to maintain records for where each of those animals came from, and must include that information on their cages or enclosures. Store operators will face a $500 fine for any violation of the law.
Another California law starting New Year’s Day will further advance pet protections by allowing judges in divorce proceedings to consider the best interests of pets and create custody arrangements for them. Current California law regards pets as property.