Against the tide: Thai ’floating temple’ defies coastal erosion 逆潮:泰國「漂浮寺廟」力抗後退的海岸線
As sea waters slowly rose around his temple and his neighbors fled inland, Thai abbot Somnuek Atipanyo refused to budge and is today a symbol of the fight to restore the country’s fast-eroding coastlines.
A dangerous combination of climate change, industrial farming and rapid urbanization in the past 30 years, are endangering the Gulf of Thailand’s coasts, stripping away precious mangrove trees and leaving buildings surrounded by sea water. The fishing village of Samut Chin is one of them.
These shores were once protected by extensive mangrove forests - the Gulf of Thailand boasts some of the largest in the world - a natural defence against coastal erosion. However, the mangrove forests have been cleared for extensive development of shrimp and salt farms.
Climate change is also having an impact: stronger waves and more ferocious monsoons have wiped out mangroves in the Gulf of Thailand, which is especially vulnerable because its waters are so shallow.(AFP)