Over a successful 36-year career, he played an alien, an elderly woman, a teacher, and even a US president. But in the end, the role that proved most challenging was just being himself.
The actor in question is the incredibly talented Robin Williams. Williams was one of Hollywood's brightest stars. Younger generations may remember him as Teddy Roosevelt in the Night at the Museum films, or as Ramon in Happy Feet. Others might recall Williams dressed up as a woman to get closer to his children in Mrs. Doubtfire. And older generations can think back to Mork and Mindy, the show that gave Williams his big break in 1978.
在他超過36 載的成功演藝生涯中,他扮演過的角色包括外星人、老嫗、教師、甚至是美國總統。但到頭來他證明了,最難克服的角色是做自己。
上述說的這位演員就是才華洋溢的羅賓.威廉斯,他可說是好萊塢最亮眼的巨星。年輕一代的觀眾對他的印象應該是《博物館驚魂夜》裡的羅斯福總統,或是《快樂腳》裡的拉蒙。有些人對他在《窈窕奶爸》裡飾演為了接近孩子而扮成女人的角色記憶猶新。長青觀眾則可能想起更久以前的《默克與明蒂》這部在1978 年開播,讓威廉斯一戰成名的電視劇。
Robin Williams is one of those rare actors who is loved by all. He began as a stand-up comic and had a well-known gift for improvisation. No matter what the scene was, Williams could make it work—and get a big laugh in the process. Yet Williams would not have made it as far as he did if he had relied on his comedy skills alone. There was a very genuine quality in his acting style. He was willing to reveal a vulnerable side to characters he played on-screen. This display of weakness helped people connect to Williams, because it’s what we all feel sometimes in our everyday lives.
Williams may have been drawing from his own troubled private life during these performances. Struggles with depression, drugs, and alcohol were constant themes in his life. During his later years, a brain disease led to other physical problems like poor vision and trouble sleeping. In 2014, Williams ended his life at his home in California. It is very sad that he left the world so soon. However, he left behind an incredible body of work, one that has made the world a better place.