
US President Barack Obama has told victims of the attack at a Batman film screening in Aurora, Colorado, that the whole country is thinking of them.美國總統歐巴馬告訴在科羅拉多州奧羅拉市《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士崛起》首映現場遭受襲擊的受害者說:整個民族都想著他們。

Mr Obama met survivors and families of the dead when he visited the University of Colorado Hospital in Aurora. 歐巴馬在奧羅拉訪問科羅拉多州大學醫院時也接見了此次襲擊事件的倖存者和死者家屬。

He said he shared hugs and tears and vowed that "out of darkness a brighter day is going to come".歐巴馬說對於此次事件他感同身受並發誓衝出逆境,光明即將來臨

James Holmes, 24, has been arrested in connection with the attack, which killed 12 and injured 58. 24歲的霍姆斯因涉嫌此次導致12人死亡58人受傷的襲擊事件已被捕。

Mr Holmes is alleged to have opened fire during a packed midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises before being detained outside the cinema. Holmes霍姆斯稱在電影院外被拘留前曾在《蝙蝠俠:黑暗騎士崛起》首映期間開過槍。

He is currently being held in solitary confinement for his own safety and is reported to be not co-operating. Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates said Mr Holmes had "lawyered up" and is not talking. 為安全起見,目前霍姆斯是被單獨拘禁,據報導霍姆斯並不合作。奧羅拉警察局局長奧茨說:霍姆斯請了律師來處理而他自己始終保持沉默。

'Words inadequate' 蒼白無力的言語

President Obama said he had visited as much as a father and husband as a president, because everyone understood what it must be like to have someone taken in this fashion.歐巴馬說他不是作為總統,而是作為一名父親與一位丈夫來到這裡探望的,對某些人來說,以這種方式失去親人,所有人都能感同身受。


He said: "You see young people who have come in and just two days ago or 36 hours ago or even 24 hours ago, it wasn't certain whether they would make it and now suddenly their eyes are open, they are alert, and they are talking and it reminds you that even in the darkest of days... life continues."他說:年輕的人們進入電影院僅僅是兩天前的事情,或者說36小時前甚至24小時前的事情,我們並不確定是否他們會平安無事而現在他們睜大眼睛,提高警惕,不停談論,一切都來得那麼突然,這件事提醒著我們即使身處不幸,人生仍將繼續。

Mr Obama added: "I confessed to them words were inadequate but my main task was to serve as a representative of the entire country and say we are thinking about them at this moment each and every day." 歐巴馬繼續說道:我對他們承認,面對這種情況,言語總是蒼白無力,但是我的主要任務就是代表整個國家,讓他們知道在這一刻我們心裡想著他們,並且將繼續在每一天裡想著他們。

The president said he had shared hugs and tears, but also laughter as the families recounted the lives of their loved ones.總統說道,當那些家庭講述自己所愛的人的人生時,他感同身受,並與他們同甘共苦。

Mr Oates said: "As awful as what they've been through and what they're going through has been, having the president here is very, very powerful." Oates奧茨說:和他們的這次經歷一樣值得敬畏,和他們將要經歷的一樣值得敬畏,現在總統先生親自和我們站在一起這件事同樣值得敬畏,同時也帶給了我們非常震撼的力量。

Both Mr Obama and his Republican Party challenger, Mitt Romney, curtailed their election campaigns in the wake of the Aurora attack, dropping advertising in Colorado state out of respect for victims and their families.奧羅拉槍擊案發生之後,出於對受害者及受害者家屬的尊重,歐巴馬和他的共和黨競選對手羅姆尼都暫停了競選活動,並取消了在科羅拉多州的競選廣告。


People have been laying flowers at a memorial site near the Century cinema.人們在世紀電影院附近的遺址放了很多花來悼念受害者。

Thousands of people have also been gathering outside City Hall for an emotional vigil for the victims.成千上萬的人們聚在市政廳外面為受害者舉行守夜活動。

Police and army officers, and other officials were loudly applauded as they approached the stage.當人們為受害者舉行守夜活動向市政廳靠近時,員警,陸軍軍官以及其他官員都為此表示大聲的喝彩與讚賞。

Aurora Mayor Steve Hogan told the crowd: "While our hearts are broken, our community is not."奧羅拉市長霍根對群眾說:雖然我們很傷心,但如果我們大家眾志成城一起面對就什麼都不怕。

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper refused to mention Mr Holmes by name, saying the priority was the 12 victims. 科羅拉多州長希肯盧珀不想提起Holmes這個名字,因為這12名受害者才是最重要的。

He said: "July 20th should never be about remembering the killer, it should be about remembering those individuals, remembering those victims. So I ask you to help me here." 科羅拉多州長希肯盧珀說道: “2012720日絕非是紀念這個殺手而是為了紀念這些個體和這些受害者。因此,我希望你們能和我一起紀念他們記得他們。

As he then read out the names, the crowd chanted, "We will remember," after each.


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