【精英翻譯將於04/30(五) 國定假日公休】
Darius, the world’s longest rabbit, is missing
One of the biggest bunnies in the world is missing, and authorities don’t think he just hopped away.
Darius, a Continental Giant rabbit, was last seen on Saturday in his pen in the village of Stoulton, England, about 130 miles northwest of London.
Measuring 4 feet and 3 inches long, he is the current Guinness record holder as the longest rabbit in the world, a title he’s held since 2010.
Darius’ owner, Annette Edwards, upped the reward for finding the missing bunny to $2,750 on Tuesday.
On Sunday, Edwards tweeted that Darius was stolen and pleaded for his return, saying the rabbit was too old for breeding now.