Leo and Catherine talk about applying to a university.
Leo: So, did you get any university acceptance letters yet?
Catherine: No, I didn't. I'm afraid putting up with all the boring applications that the guidance counselor passed out and comparing all the different programs was in vain.
Leo: You haven't received any replies yet? Oh man! I bet that is all you think about day in and day out.
Catherine: You better believe it! I've applied to so many colleges, I can't tell their names apart.
Leo: Maybe you should have focused on just two or three schools and put more effort into the applications.
Catherine: I suppose so. All in all, I should have thought about this more carefully.
凱瑟琳:沒有。我受不了指導老師發的無聊申請書,還有白費力氣比較所有不 同的課程。
里歐:妳還沒收到回覆嗎?噢, 老天!我敢肯定妳每天都在想這件事情吧。