Paris, known as the "City of Love," is a place filled with the joy of life. It's home to the Louvre, which holds some of the greatest works of art ever made. There’s also the Eiffel Tower, one of the most famous landmarks in the world. And Paris has some of the greatest restaurants and clothes shops in the world, too.
It's a city of old churches, pretty cafes, interesting little streets, and beautiful buildings. It's a city of painters and poets, philosophers and food lovers. But perhaps most of all, Paris is a city of tourists! In 2014 over 15 million people visited the French city, making it the third- most visited city in the world.
這樣的城市,充滿古色古香的教堂、別緻咖啡廳、迷人的小巷弄街道以及美侖美奐的建築物;這樣的城市,充斥著畫家、詩人、哲學家與老饕。不過巴黎最令人矚目的大概是觀光之都的身份!2014年,超過1500萬人來此一遊,使巴黎成為全球觀光 客排行第三多的城市。
In fact, there are many cities in which you might see more tourists than locals, especially during high season. See the graph on the next page for a list of the world’s most popular cities.