


Akbar was a Mogul ruler who presided over an empire spanning nearly the entire Indian subcontinent. His rule was marked by a series of military victories, cultural accomplishments, and an overall trend of tolerance and inclusive policies toward his subjects. These successes earned him the impressive title of Akbar the Great.

阿克巴是蒙兀兒帝國的統治者,他所領導的帝國幾乎橫跨了整個印度次大陸。阿克巴統治期間戰功彪炳、文化成就輝煌,他對人民寬宏,政策包羅廣泛,也讓他贏得「 阿克巴大帝」的美名。


Akbar’s success was never a sure thing. When Akbar was born in 1542, his father was poor and living in exile. His father regained power in 1555 only to die soon after and leave Akbar in control at the age of 14. At the time, the kingdom was small and insignificant, but Akbar and his regent would soon change all that. Together they organized a successful military campaign to seize control of northern India from the Afghans. In 1560, Akbar dismissed his regent and took full control.

阿克巴的成功並非一蹴可幾。1542年阿克巴出生的時候,他的父親正處於貧窮與流放生涯,1555年重掌政權之後沒多久便過世了,由14 歲的阿克巴繼承王位。當時,蒙兀兒仍是個微不足道的小國,不久之後,阿克巴和他的攝政王開創了新局面。他們合力策劃了一次成功的軍事行動,從阿富汗手中奪下印度北部。到了1560 年,阿克巴解散攝政王,獨攬大權。


Subsequent events helped Akbar to eventually earn a celebrated place in the history books. He immediately set about reorganizing the military and instituted the mansabdari system, which increased efficiency and rewarded soldiers for their service. Akbar also took advantage of technological innovations involving cannons, defensive structures, and the use of elephants. These innovations combined with Akbar’s natural abilities as a general to produce a string of military victories that expanded the borders of the Mogul Empire.



Akbar didn’t just expand the state, but strengthened its administration as well. Most of the people who lived in lands he conquered weren’t Muslims like Akbar. Instead of taxing these people more than Muslim citizens, as was normal at the time, he adopted a fair rate across the board. He also appointed Hindus to important positions within the government. Some people even believe that the tolerance displayed by Akbar set the stage for the multiculturalism that exists in modern India.



This was a period when the arts also thrived. Akbar developed the Mogul style of architecture during his reign, which combined Persian, Hindu, and Islamic elements. He was also a patron of the arts, and his court was said to be populated by artists, poets, philosophers, and musicians. Akbar truly was a ruler of many talents.



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