The Pingxi Railway Line: A Slow Journey into the Past慢遊平溪線
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Prost! German beats his own world record for carrying beer steins-乾杯!德國人打敗自己端啤酒杯的世界紀錄
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Surprising Origins of Famous Foods令人意想不到的食物典故
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Unusually old monkey dies at New York zoo 非常老的猴子在紐約動物園辭世
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TWICE: K-Pop's Best International Girl Group 融化了 ~ TWICE 敲可愛狙擊你心♥
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Elon Musk Wants to Launch Manufacturer of Nice Cyborgs 伊隆.穆斯克想創辦善良機械改造人的製造公司
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Food Names:
Where Do They Come From? 美食背後的命名故事
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Judge grants person the right to be genderless in landmark ruling 司法判決里程碑 法官同意民眾更改為無性別者
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The Importance of Listening不可忽視的「聆聽力」
─Asha Thibedeau
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Teen’s Service Dog Gets Photo In Yearbook 少年的服務犬登上年度紀念冊
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