Tartan Day  格子控不能錯過的『格紋日』


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Private high schools to accept foreign students 私立高校將招收外籍學生


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Alex Chinneck: The Master of Illusion▼  視覺幻象藝術高手 —— 艾利克斯‧欽內克


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Mystery Irish woman gives £50k fiver to charity 神秘的愛爾蘭女子捐出價值5萬英鎊的5元紙鈔給慈善機構


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Suicides cost Japans economy $4bn annually 自殺一年損耗日本經濟40億美元


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N. Korea airport among worlds worst in global survey 國際調查:北韓機場居全球末段班


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Quick, Simple, and Easy: Mason Jar Meals   玻璃罐餐點——快速、方便又簡單!

Ted Pigott

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A company has created scentless fragrances that smell different on each wearer 一家公司創造無味香水使用者各有不同味道


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Enjoy the Ride with Unique Modes of Transportation   奇特交通工具大集合

Molly Leonard

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