Pokemon GO Takes the World by Storm 寶可夢狂潮大解密

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A Sculpture That Stands High Above  高聳參天的紅色螺旋塔


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The surprising science of yawning: The bigger your brain, the longer you yawn 打哈欠的驚人科學:你的腦袋愈大,打哈欠的時間愈長


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Real-Life Super Children 得天獨厚的小神童們


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Great Pacific Garbage Patch now Seen From Space 太空可見太平洋漂浮巨大垃圾塊


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A Miracle Billboard 神奇的廣告看板


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Put pedestrians first to tackle air pollution in London 解決倫敦空污問題 行人為首要之急


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Shooting for the Stars  誰與爭『豔』?!花漾 蜷川實花


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Girls spend 40% more time on chores than boys, UN report finds 聯合國報告發現,女孩多花40%的時間從事家務


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Paris of the Orient ── Ho Chi Minh City   胡志明市──光芒四射的外資新樂園


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