Meet Charles Dickens 遇見查爾斯‧狄更斯
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Popular painkiller ingredient can reduce empathy, study finds. 研究發現,熱門止痛藥成份會降低同理心
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El Nino dries up Asia as its stormy sister La Nina looms 「聖嬰現象」才令亞洲乾枯,猛烈之「反聖嬰現象」又將到來
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Japan's Northern Sea Circuit 日本北海巡禮
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Costa Rica’s Territorio de Zaguates is home to more than 900 dogs 哥斯大黎加的「浪浪之地」是900多隻狗狗的家園
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Weird and Wacky Food Joints 古怪餐廳大集合
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Spanking harmful to children’s mental health 打屁股對孩子的精神健康有害
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Beethoven beats Mozart for first time in most popular composer poll 最受歡迎作曲家票選貝多芬首次打敗莫札特
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