Human Libraries 真人圖書館 -- 每個人都是一本書!
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Coke cans, bottles getting makeover 可口可樂瓶罐改頭換面中
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The Middle Island Project 企鵝保衛戰‧牧羊犬立大功
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Avoiding food at night may reduce breast cancer recurrence: study 研究顯示,夜間禁食可能有助降低乳癌復發機率
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The Social Network That Changed the World 社群網路改變全世界
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New plastic-eating bacteria could help save planet新種吃塑膠細菌可能有助於拯救地球
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127 Years of Coca-Cola 可口可樂一百二十七歲囉!
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Alaska volcano goes quiet but remains ’restless,’ scientists say ’ 科學家:歸於平靜的阿拉斯加火山仍「不安分」
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What's In a Name? 莎翁經典‧舞台人生
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One in eight adults now obese: global survey 全球調查顯示,現今8名成人中就有1名是胖子
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