Plush toy-maker creates `Cecil the Lion Beanie Baby 填充玩具製造商打造「獅子塞西爾」豆豆公仔


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Take a Walk on the Wild Side 以動物為師‧鍛鍊好身材 ── Zuu


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Over a ton of rejected fruit, vegetables feed Athenians 超過1噸被丟棄的蔬果餵飽雅典人


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Hoop Dreams  籃球夢想的最高殿堂 —— NBA


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Why eating breakfast on the go really does lead to weight gain 為何邊忙邊吃早餐真的會導致體重增加


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Piano Man  整座城市都是你的樂章


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5 things to know about the Nobel Prizes 了解諾貝爾獎的5件事


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The Land of Smiles  微笑的國度 ── 泰國

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Belgian scientists look for biofuel clues in panda poo 比利時科學家在貓熊便便裡尋找生物燃料線索


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Shake It Up  搖一搖 ~ 雪花紛飛*的浪漫


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