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Municipalities hosting ancient castles around Japan are under siege as aging castle towers restored in the post-World War II economic boom are in desperate need of replacement or refurbishment.

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Doing the night shift throws the body "into chaos" and could cause long-term damage, warn researchers.

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Thieves accused of stealing a religious relic stained with Polish pope John Paul II’s blood threw it away thinking it worthless, Italian media said on Thursday, reporting the police had detained three people.

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About a dozen four-legged practitioners of stand-up paddle boarding took to the waves with their human owners off Rio de Janeiro’s Barra Beach, practicing for a second annual competition next month in which canine-human teams race around buoys.

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Here’s a man who has been using ’Close-up’ brand of toothpaste for seven years in the hope of attracting a female. However, his hopes have been dashed and now he has decided to sue the brand as it has not aided him in attracting ladies with fresh smelling breath as the toothpaste ads suggest, according to Geobeats.

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Life Can Be Sweet without Sugar

Back in the 1970s, when research revealed just how damaging dietary fats are to our health, food manufacturers slashed the fat content of their products almost overnight. Unfortunately, they began adding sugar to pretty much everything to make things "tastier." For example, in the U.K., Kellogg's Special K, which is touted as a low-fat, weight loss food, contains almost twice as much sugar as it did in 1978. Similar increases can be cited for many other common foods all over the world. But what's the problem with sugar? Isn’t it all just natural goodness, designed to give you an energy boost?

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Two Czechs have breathed new life into telephone booths made obsolete in the cell phone age, converting them into mini libraries with the first installed at a Prague hospital recently.

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Kissing helps us assess potential partners if, like a Jane Austen heroine, we cannot wait forever for Mr Darcy to come along, a study suggests.

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