Archaeologist discovers hoard of Byzantine treasure at Temple Mount in Jerusalem 考古學家於耶路撒冷聖殿山 發現深藏的拜占庭寶物


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Russian journalists call for release of Greenpeace photographer 俄羅斯記者呼籲釋放綠色和平攝影師


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Surgery has growing death risk through the week 手術死亡風險越接近週末越高


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Lying about its lion, Chinese zoo closed for going to the dogs 以狗謊稱獅子 中國動物園關門大吉


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Makerbot Digitizer:Desktop 3D scanner goes on sale Makerbot數位器:桌上型3D掃描器上市


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David Cameron: UK may be a small island but it has the biggest heart 英相卡麥隆:英國雖是小島卻有最廣大胸襟


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Prof Peter Higgs did not know he had won Nobel Prize 希格斯教授不知道他得了諾貝爾獎


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Diana Nayad completes swim from Cuba to Florida 黛安娜.奈雅德成功從古巴游到佛羅里達

◎ 詹立群

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Study: Just 227 tree species dominate Amazon landscape 研究︰僅只227種樹種主控亞馬遜地景


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Queen’s 63-year-old wedding cake slice sells for £1,750 英國女王有63年歷史的結婚蛋糕賣得1750英鎊

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