
Shei-Pa National Park hosts annual cherry blossom festival (2014/02/12)

A cherry blossom festival recently began at Wuling Farm, in Shei-Pa National Park. Less than half of the trees are in bloom but tourists say they were not disappointed. 

Early in the morning, there was a long queue outside Shei-Pa National Park. Visitors were eager to enter Wuling Farm to take in this beautiful scene.

The sunshine makes the cherry blossoms appear even more brilliant. Visitors used their cameras to capture this wonder of nature.

“There was a slight drizzle yesterday, but today the weather was excellent. The cherry blossoms are quite a sight.”

Wuling Farm’s most alluring sight are its pale “Pink Lady” cherry blossoms. At the moment, about half are in bloom, along with a similar percentage of the darker scarlet red Taiwan cherry.

Wang Jin-biao
Wuling Farm Deputy Director
The farm’s Wusheh cherry blossoms are native and very beautiful. The white flowers are Fuji and Yoshino cherry blossoms. The latest to bloom is the Taiwan cherry blossom in early April.

Other cherry blossom locations include National Chi Nan University in Puli. The campus has successfully planted mountain cherry blossoms and is less crowded. 


武陵農場櫻花季今天登場, 一大早雪霸國家公園就湧進了大批遊客,相較於平地的低溫、濕冷,武陵農場卻風和日麗,儘管櫻花目前只開了四成多,但已經讓很多遊客大嘆不虛此行。全台瘋櫻花,連暨南國際大學都看的到。





[[武陵農場副場長 王金標]]

不只武陵能賞櫻,大學裡面也能! 埔里的暨南國際大學植櫻有成,成為新興賞櫻景點,目前山櫻花盛開,好停車不用人擠人。


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