
Website helps assess the seismic safety of homes (2014/02/12)

Wednesday’s earthquake led many people to consider the structural safety of their home. The National Earthquake Engineering Research Center has a website that makes it easy to predict what would happen to your building in a quake. 

How will your home respond to an earthquake? All you need is a tape measure and an internet connection to quickly determine your building’s ability to resist an earthquake. 

First, measure the length of walls, and next the length and width of columns. Enter all this information into a special website and choose the type of residence, the floor and other data. A calculation is made in seconds.

Chiu Tsung-chih
Earthquake Researcher
If the structure falls into this red area, it may be vulnerable to seismic shocks. If you fall into the green area, there are no safety concerns. 

After the 921 earthquake, the National Earthquake Engineering Research Center began conducting seismic assessments for schools and dormitories. It hopes to make its research and expertise available to people living in Taiwan’s older, five-floor residences so they can understand the structural safety of their homes.


台北市士林區凌晨12點半發生規模4的地震,讓不少人擔心自己的住家是不是禁得起搖晃!國研院國家地震工程研究中心就設計出全球第一款「街屋耐震資訊網」,只要輸入家中數據, 系統會自動計算台灣33條斷層,對你家的房子會不會造成影響。



[[國震中心助理研究員 邱聰智]]

921大地震後, 國研院國家地震工程研究中心,開始協助校舍耐震能力評估,把數據應用在住家,設計出全球第一個街屋耐震資訊網,適用於5層樓以下的建物。


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