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Homelessness crisis: Thousands sleeping rough in cars across UK 無家者危機:英國各地有成千上萬人露宿車內


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中世紀的藝術 The Art of the Middle Ages


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Italian Physicists Wrote a Perfect Pizza Equation 義大利物理學家寫出「完美披薩」方程式


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La BefanaItalys Christmas Witch 義大利送禮的聖誕醜巫婆


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Thieves use mechanical diggers to tear open Italian security van 盜賊用機械挖土機把義大利運鈔車大卸八塊


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世界頂尖的美術館 The World's Best Art Museums


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Hong Kong actor Chow Yun-fat vows to donate his entire fortune 港星周潤發誓言捐出所有財富


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淺談策展 Organizing an Exhibition


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At Cambodia’s ’Rubbish school,’ children pay tuition with trash 在柬埔寨「垃圾學校」,學童用垃圾繳學費


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An Experience of a Lifetime 追尋幸福極光!


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World’s first no-kill eggs go on sale in Berlin-全球首批非殺戮雞蛋在柏林上市


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The Day after Christmas節禮日知多少?


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Stablecoins Bad Money For the Modern Age 現代「劣幣」︰穩定幣


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From Trash to Treasure on a California Beach 是誰遺落了七彩寶石在人間?—— 夢幻玻璃海灘??


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It’s hard for a single cabin manager to handle an emergency situation on a train 僅一名列車長難以處理列車上的緊急情況


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Town Feared Giant Waves. Then Surfers Came 懼浪小漁村 變衝浪聖地


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Firefighters to the rescue after German chocolate factory spill-消防隊員救援發生洩漏的德國巧克力工廠


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NORAD’s Holiday Mission追蹤聖誕老人


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NASA’s InSight lander ’hears’ wind on Mars 美國航太總署(NASA)的洞察號登陸器「聽見」火星風聲


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Looking Back on 100 Years of New York City Drinking Culture, From Gritty to Elegant 從粗獷到風雅回顧紐約百年飲酒文化


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