Perfume that Smells Like Old Milk 意義深遠的臭酸牛奶香水
To help fight food waste, a Swedish supermarket has made a strange-smelling perfume.
Old Milk” is a perfume that smells like its name. The Swedish grocery store chain Coop went through a lot of effort to recreate and bottle the stink of an expired dairy product. But why? Is it a marketing strategy? Is it a joke? Do Swedish people actually like the smell of old milk? The answer to all these questions is no. The idea behind Old Milk perfume is about stopping food waste.
Like many wealthy countries, Sweden has a major problem with food waste. People are throwing away perfectly good food just because the expiration date has passed. However, most expiration dates do not mean that food is unsafe to eat afterwards. Because of this misunderstanding, people are wasting a lot of food that is still safe to eat.
Old Milk seeks to solve this problem by reminding people what spoiled milk actually smells like. Many people seem to have forgotten the smell of truly spoiled food, and this strange perfume serves as a reminder. Samples of the perfume are available for order on Coop’s website, and the company eventually plans to sell Old Milk in its stores.