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Russian City's Dazzling New Soccer Stadium Outshines Its Team 俄為世足砸大錢新球場比球隊搶眼


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World Cup: Last chance at glory for Messi and Ronaldo 世足賽:梅西與羅納度的最後榮耀機會


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The Danakil Depression: Life at the Extremes 極端氣候下的奇幻地景 達納基勒窪地


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In Japan, new rules may leave Airbnb industry out in the cold-在日本,新規定恐排擠Airbnb


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小台北 Little Taipei

Review—Little Taipei評價─小台北

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Japan’s ’older hikikomori’ shun society for years 逃避社會多年的日本「年長繭居族」


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Seize the Day-Some Other Time 真正精采的畢業演說屈指可數...把握今天?改天再說吧


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Whale dies in Thailand after swallowing 80 plastic bags 鯨魚吞了80個塑膠袋後,命喪泰國


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Watch Out! Your Smartphone Can Make You Go Blind 小心!智慧型手機會讓你失明


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Thailand to Send Smelly Durian into Space 泰國將送臭榴槤上太空


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Russian Ghost Radio 俄羅斯的祕密情報站?!


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Egg of extinct elephant bird was mislabeled as fake for decades, museum realizes 博物館發現,絕種象鳥的蛋被誤認為贗品數十載


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Soccer: The Beautiful Game 足球:美麗的運動

James Baron

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LA’s people walker is beating loneliness, one step at a time 洛杉磯的遛人師戰勝寂寞,一步一腳印


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An Easy Pill to Swallow 藥丸可以用印的!

James Baron 

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Atmospheric harvesters will enable arid nations to drink from thin air-大氣收穫機可讓乾旱國家從空氣中獲取飲水


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The Man behind Minecraft 「創世」巨星馬庫斯‧泊松


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Mandatory exercise at the office, Swedens latest craze-瑞典最新熱潮:辦公室裡的義務運動


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For the Love of Cheesecake令人著迷的起司蛋糕

John Bramley

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Wind Buffets Energy Landscape 替代能源競爭天然氣發電受挑戰


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