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The Man behind Minecraft 「創世」巨星馬庫斯‧泊松


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Mandatory exercise at the office, Swedens latest craze-瑞典最新熱潮:辦公室裡的義務運動


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For the Love of Cheesecake令人著迷的起司蛋糕

John Bramley

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Wind Buffets Energy Landscape 替代能源競爭天然氣發電受挑戰


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Suppertime under the Sea 到北歐海底餐廳與魚兒一塊用餐

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Wood frogs’ winter survival may depend on holding in urine: study 研究:木蛙靠憋尿過冬


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Menu Engineering: Design That Affects How You Dine菜單暗藏心機:影響顧客的消費心理學


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Carrot-addicted kangaroos hopping mad at tourists 袋鼠紅蘿蔔上癮對遊客暴跳如雷


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A Selfless Portrait for Your Profile  你在畫我嗎?臉書大頭照創作交換 


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EmptationBundling: A New Tool in the Fight against Procrastination 打擊拖延症!「誘惑綑綁」不容你拖拖拉拉


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Author of Kiki’s Delivery Service Wins Prestigious Children’s Literature Award 魔女宅急便作者贏得聲望崇隆的兒童文學大獎


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Eating bananas could prevent heart attacks and strokes-吃香蕉可預防心臟病及中風


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Gummy Bears: The Chewy Candies That Charmed the World風靡世界的小熊軟糖

Owain Mckimm

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Eating chocolate can reduce stress, study says 研究指出,吃巧克力可降低壓力


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The VanGoYourself Challenge  VanGoYourself:挑戰成為名畫主角


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Worlds hottest pepper may have triggered this mans severe headaches 全球最辣辣椒讓他頭部劇痛


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People Who Like to Stay Up Later Have a Higher Chance of Early Death, Study Finds 研究發現,愛熬夜的人容易早死


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Living Murphy's Law

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