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The Coachella Difference 全美最大音樂派對:科切拉音樂節


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Singapore plans S$300m to spur innovation in digital push 新加坡擬投資3億星幣推動數位化創新


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抓緊你的零用錢? Hold on to Your Pocket Money


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2,700 elderly drivers return licenses under Seoul program-2700名高齡駕駛人按首爾市府獎勵方案繳回駕照


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公平貿易下的時尚 Fair Fashion


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Controversial experiments that could make bird flu more risky poised to resume 恐使禽流感更加危險的爭議性實驗準備恢復進行


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Perfume that Smells Like Old Milk 意義深遠的臭酸牛奶香水


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Fake news in Asia 假新聞在亞洲


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Try Van Gogh the Suburban Professional 梵谷狂野? 試想他是住郊區的上班族


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Seoul to plant 30 million trees by 2020 to fight fine dust - 首爾將在2020年前植3000萬棵樹對抗粉塵


精英翻譯社轉自: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1278046

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Magic Lanterns 宛如現代 Netflix 的魔法燈籠

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Germans turn to ’medibus’ as doctors desert villages 醫生棄守鄉村,德國民眾轉向「醫療巴士」


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Pairing Up to Spread Happiness傳播幸福的「約翰瘋狂襪」


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S. Korea, NASA to launch joint research on sources of fine dust in Korea - 南韓與美航太總署擬合作研究韓粉塵來源


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Is It a Fair Trade?這是公平交易產品嗎?


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Pigcasso hogs the limelight at South Africa farm-豬卡索在南非農場出鋒頭


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Honor Your Scars with the Art of Kintsugi 化缺陷為美麗的金繼修補藝術


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This library loans out ties and handbags so those with limited resources can go to job interviews-這家圖書館出借領帶與手提包好讓那些資源有限者參加工作面試


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EmbracingYour Inner Finn 「精芬」漫畫 引爆熱潮!


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UN resolution pledges to plastic reduction by 2030-聯合國通過決議,誓言2030年前縮減塑膠用量


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