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Baking Up a Fortune in Taiwan 麵包商機在台灣


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One in two women has negative outlook on marriage in Japan and South Korea 日本和南韓2分之1女性對婚姻前景悲觀


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Li-Fi: The Invisible Visible-Light Network  Li-Fi:光速上網


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For world records, Indian man removes teeth and gets over 500 tattoos 為了世界紀錄 印度男子拔牙且紋超過500個刺青


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ADAS: Taking Humans Out of the Driver's Seat汽車安全科技大躍進──ADAS 先進駕駛輔助系統


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Your mobile phone could actually give you cancer, new study finds. 新研究發現,你的手機確實可能造成癌症


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Dublin: Phoenix Rising都柏林:浴火重生的金融科技之都


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Two-hour HIV test up for European inventor award 兩小時HIV快篩 問鼎歐洲發明獎


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Why Chew When You Don't Have To? 徹底顛覆你的飲食概念──液體代餐


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5:2 diet no better than cutting calories, study finds 研究發現,5:2輕斷食法的減重效果與降低卡路里攝取差不多


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Netflix: Running Laps around the Competition網飛──翻轉觀影體驗的新娛樂帝國


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Meat eating accelerated face evolution 吃肉加速臉部演化


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Hempcrete 永續建材—麻凝土


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Girl, 8, dies after suffocating on birthday balloon 8歲女童因生日氣球窒息而死


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Meet Charles Dickens 遇見查爾斯‧狄更斯


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Popular painkiller ingredient can reduce empathy, study finds. 研究發現,熱門止痛藥成份會降低同理心


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Fairy Doors 妖精之門


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El Nino dries up Asia as its stormy sister La Nina looms 「聖嬰現象」才令亞洲乾枯,猛烈之「反聖嬰現象」又將到來


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Japan's Northern Sea Circuit 日本北海巡禮


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Costa Ricas Territorio de Zaguates is home to more than 900 dogs 哥斯大黎加的「浪浪之地」是900多隻狗狗的家園


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