Ancient voice: Scientists recreate sound of Egyptian mummy 古代之聲:科學家重現埃及木乃伊的聲音
Researchers say they’ve mimicked the voice of a 3,000-year-old Egyptian mummy by recreating much of its vocal tract using medical scanners, 3D printing and an electronic larynx.
In a paper published by the journal Scientific Reports, the authors say the technique allowed them to produce a single sound - somewhere between the vowels in ’bed’ and ’bad.’
The eerie tone is unlikely to be a precise reflection of the speech of Egyptian priest Nesyamun, because he has lost the bulk of its tongue over three millennia. Besides, the model alone also isn’t enough to synthesize whole words or sentences.
"When visitors encounter the past, it is usually a visual encounter. With this voice we can make the encounter more multidimensional," said John Schofield, an archaeologist at the University of York.(Reuters)