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The Gorgeous Spectacle of the Tung Blossoms  五月雪紛飛


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Thai Supermarket Praised For Replacing Plastic Packaging With Banana Leaves 泰國超市以香蕉葉取代塑膠包裝獲讚揚


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Ballet Beautiful 超火芭蕾健身風潮襲捲全球!


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Millions using 123456 as password 數百萬人使用123456作為密碼


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東海岸:花蓮與台東 The East Coast—Hualien and Taitung


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Can You Learn Anything While You Sleep? 睡著時能學東西嗎?


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Glasgow: City of Parks, Arts, and Music文化之都:格拉斯哥


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Workers save dog spotted more than 100 miles off Thailand coast-工作人員拯救泰國海岸逾100英里以外被發現的狗


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Black Forest Cake 嚐一口來自童話世界的黑森林蛋糕


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Goodbye Stalin: Moscow metro sheds Soviet look in new stations-揮別史達林:莫斯科新地鐵站卸下蘇聯面貌


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Xinbeitou: Beitou Park, Beitou Hot Springs Museum and Geothermal Valley

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Insomnia common among cancer patients 癌症病患普遍失眠 


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The Last of the Film Billboard Painters 碩果僅存的手繪電影看板師傅


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Enormous Great White Shark Pregnant with Record 14 Pups Was Caught and Sold in Taiwan 台灣捕售孕有破紀錄14胎的巨型大白鯊


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烏來美景 The Scenery of Wulai


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Mushrooms may ’reduce the risk of mild brain decline’ 香菇或能「降低輕度腦衰退的風險」


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The Coachella Difference 全美最大音樂派對:科切拉音樂節


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Singapore plans S$300m to spur innovation in digital push 新加坡擬投資3億星幣推動數位化創新


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抓緊你的零用錢? Hold on to Your Pocket Money


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2,700 elderly drivers return licenses under Seoul program-2700名高齡駕駛人按首爾市府獎勵方案繳回駕照


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