Kohei Jinno fans out the black and white photos of his family posing proudly in front of their central Tokyo home, a house they were forced to leave ahead of the 1964 Olympic Games to make way for construction of the main stadium.
Now Jinno, 79, has to move again.
The public housing complex where he and his wife live, close to the stadium and the site of his former home - currently a parking lot - is slated to be destroyed as part of construction of a new stadium for the 2020 Summer Olympics, which Tokyo won the right to host again earlier this month.
Jinno, who turns 80 next month, has no idea where he will move, or when. He said two hundred families in the same complex, most of them elderly, face the same dilemma.
"I wish they wouldn’t have the Olympics in Tokyo again," he said. "I can bear getting evicted if it’s just the once in a lifetime. But twice? It’s ridiculous." (Reuters)
make way for something:慣用語,為某事騰挪出空間。例句:The beautiful old residence have been torn down to make way for an ugly new tower.(那棟美麗老宅已被拆除,以便騰出空間蓋一座醜陋的新塔。)
fan out:把某物散開或攤開,以便看得更清楚。例句:He fanned the cards out so we could see which ones he held.(他把牌攤開讓我們能看到他拿到什麼牌。)
slated to do something:慣用語,預計做某事。例句:She is slated to go to Kyoto this fall.(她預定今秋前往京都。)
本文引用至 自由時報電子報 http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/