Everyday Bravery: Pins That Warm the Heart 給人勇氣的暖心小胸針
Bravery pins are giving a deeper meaning to what you pin on your shirt.
Pins are a fun way to add personal style to your clothes. Most pins use funny sentences or cute art to catch people's attention. Artist Emily McDowell's "Everyday Bravery" pins are a bit different.
Her pins come in simple colors like red, blue, green, and purple, and only have a few words. Although the messages are short, they are very powerful. They help people celebrate both the big and small victories in life. Some popular pins include "Drank Enough Water" and "Took My Own Advice." McDowell's favorite says "Someone Didn't Like Me and It Was OK." In total, there are 24 pins to date. McDowell designed this collection because she thinks people don't give themselves enough credit for the good things they do in life. McDowell says, "Things like surviving grief or changing your thinking take a lot of work, and I think it's cool to acknowledge it."
So far, the pins have been a big hit. McDowell enjoys when people post pictures of themselves wearing the pins and tell their own stories. The pins' popularity shows that although our lives might be different, we all share similar experiences.