The Death of a Manga Legend 用畫筆造武林:傳奇殞落
Taiwan says goodbye to one of its best manga artists.
In March of 2017, Chen Uen passed away at the age of 58. This popular Taiwanese manga artist was known for his unique style that mixed bright colors with traditional Chinese art. Chen became the first Taiwanese manga artist to get published in Hong Kong and Japan. Over the years, many artists were affected by his style. Some even tried to copy him, but no one could live up to the master's skill.
鄭問於 2017 年三月逝世,享年五十八歲。這位受喜愛的臺灣漫畫家以其獨特的畫風聞名,混合鮮豔的色彩及中國傳統藝術(編按:這裡是指書法)為其風格。鄭問也成為首位在香港及日本出版作品的臺灣漫畫家。多年來,不少的漫畫家受其畫風影響。有些甚至試著想要模仿他,卻都無法達到這位大師的境界。
Chen leaves behind a body of work that will never be forgotten. One of his masterpieces, Heroes of the East Chou Dynasty, is a fictional story based on brave warriors in ancient China. Another classic is Abi-Sword, which told the tale of a young boy named Wusheng that is seeking revenge for his parents' death.
Although Chen is gone, his style is sure to inspire manga artists for many years to come. In memory of Chen, his former students will hold an exhibition of his work at the National Palace Museum this June. Comic book artists from around the world will come to the exhibition to pay their respects to Chen and his legacy.