Moscow urged to recycle, not burn rubbish 莫斯科當局被要求回收垃圾,而非予以焚毀
Protests have been growing in recent months over the stench from 15 landfill sites around Moscow, overflowing with millions of tonnes of rubbish. Most of them were created 50 years ago without any technology to treat the gases and polluted water.
At the end of March, about 50 children received medical treatment in Volokolamsk, after breathing gases emitted from a landfill site. Russia seems to be fulfilling the prediction that mankind will die from choking on its own rubbish.
Facing a looming environmental disaster, the Russian government has consented to build five plants that will incinerate rubbish and generate electricity.
But residents are stepping up their protests, fearing damage to the environment. "Why start with the last link in the chain? What about recycling and sorting?"
The offical said that the plants would use the most sophisticated technology; "No dioxins, nor any other dangerous elements will be emitted from the plants."