Our dog Charlie went missing on August 20 and we haven't seen him since. He ran away while we were walking him in the Central Forest Park and he may still be in that area. He had a brown collar on when he disappeared. Please help us find Charlie!
Charlie is a large, mixed-breed dog. His hair is mostly yellow, but he has white spots all over his body, including the tip of his tail. He weighs around 40 kilograms and is around 50 centimeters tall.
He likes treats and enjoys playing with his toys. He is very friendly and he will come to you if you call his name. He loves meeting new people. He can get quite excited when he wants to play.
Whoever finds him will receive $200 reward.
Please call (432) 123-1234 or send us a message through our Twitter account @joydog123 at any time if you see him or even think it might be him.
如果您看到查理、或是覺得可能是牠的狗狗,請隨時來電 (432) 123-1234 或是透過推特帳號@joydog123傳訊息給我們。
We are very worried as Charlie is not used to being away from his family, and we want him home as soon as possible.