Liushishi Mountain: A Magical Mountain for Flowers 披上美麗橘黃色花毯的六十石山
September is the perfect time to take a trip to Taiwan’s East Rift Valley.
Liushishi Mountain is one of the best places to experience Taiwan’s natural beauty. The mountain lies in Hualien County, and it may be one of the island’s best-kept secrets. It offers visitors breathtaking views of the Central Mountain Range and the East Rift Valley. The best time to visit the area is during the late summer. This is when its main attractions, golden daylily flowers, are in full bloom.
In August and September, thousands of daylily flowers cover Liushishi Mountain from top to bottom. Some people even say that they make the green hills look like a big orange and yellow carpet. Daylily flowers aren’t just beautiful, though. After you enjoy looking at them, you can taste them as well. Also known as golden needles, the flowers are a useful ingredient in Chinese cooking. These flowers can add lots of flavor to many meals. The most famous dish is pork ribsoup with golden needles. You can try a bowl of this delicious soup at many local restaurants in the valley. It’s the perfect way to end your trip to one of the most beautiful areas on the island.