The Last Bookstore 洛杉磯「最後一家書店」



Let’s hope The Last Bookstore never lives up to its name.



A long-time collector of all sorts of things, Josh Spencer founded The Last Bookstore to take his book collecting—and selling—to the next level. In a digital world, bookstores around the world are closing as customers buy books online or switch to e-books. Luckily for bookworms everywhere, The Last Bookstore is doing very well for itself.



Located in downtown Los Angeles, California, the bookstore opened its doors in 2005. Since then, it has expanded and moved into a new building that was originally a bank, so it’s full of high ceilings and open spaces. The vault has been turned into a fun reading room, and like many modern bookstores, there’s a coffee shop in the back. Sticking with the theme of celebrating old technologies, The Last Bookstore also has a huge collection of vinyl records. With art exhibitions, live music, and book signings, there is something for everyone. All of these options mean that The Last Bookstore should be around for years to come. The next time you are in Los Angeles, spend an afternoon at this amazing bookstore.

位於加州洛杉磯市中心的這家書店開幕於 2005 年。在那之後,它已經擴張並遷移到一棟原為銀行的新建築裡,所以店內滿是挑高的天花板和開闊的空間。原來的金庫被改造成一間有趣的閱讀室,而就像許多現代的書店一樣,它後面也附有咖啡店。秉持著歌頌舊時代科技的風格,最後一家書店裡也有大批的黑膠唱片收藏。這裡的藝術品展示、現場音樂和簽書會,讓每一個人都能找到自己喜愛的歸屬。所有的這些選擇都顯示著最後一家書店在未來好幾年都會持續存在著。下次你到洛杉磯時,花一個下午的時間來逛逛這家令人嘖嘖稱奇的書店吧。 

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