Google made thousands of deepfakes to aid detection efforts 谷歌製作數千部「深度偽造」影片 助力辨識造假影像
Google has released a data set of thousands of deepfake videos that it produced using paid, consenting actors in order to help researchers in the ongoing work of coming up with detection methods.
The data set, available on Github, contains more than 3,000 deepfake videos. To produce the videos, Google used 28 actors, placing pairs of them in quotidian settings:hugging, talking, expressing emotion and the like. To transform their faces, Google used publicly available, state-of-the-art, automatic deepfake algorithms:Deepfakes, Face2Face, FaceSwap and NeuralTextures.
Earlier this month, Facebook just announced that it was launching a $10m deepfake detection project.