"Why?" is an obvious question when something so horrific and senseless tears open your community. And in the city of Aurora, Colorado, there is no straightforward answer. 當社會出現如此可怕的事情和無謂的眼淚時,“為什麼”是一個顯而易見的問題。在科羅拉多州的奧羅拉市卻沒有明確的答案。
At the end of a very long day, religious leaders held a vigil to pray for the dead, and for the recovery of the many injured by a lone gunman. 在這個非常漫長的一天快要結束的時候,宗教領袖們守夜為死者祈禱,也為那些被這個孤獨的持槍歹徒所造成傷害的受傷者祈求復原。
It was the question everyone wanted the answer to: why did a post-graduate student, a man with no criminal record beyond a speeding fine, with a good upbringing and education, allegedly kill so many people? 每個人都想知道這個問題的答案:為什麼一個博士生,一個沒有犯罪記錄,僅僅只有一張超速罰單的人,有著良好的教育和學歷,卻殺害了這麼多人?
James Holmes, 24, was brought up in California and had no military background, but yet had every detail of what the police call tactical equipment. 詹姆斯‧霍姆斯,24歲,在加利福利亞長大,無軍人背景,但是卻擁有警方所謂的全部的戰術設備。
He wore a ballistic helmet, a flak jacket and gas mask, but also the gloves and breeches you would expect from a Swat team.他身穿防彈頭盔,防彈衣和防毒面具,還穿著只能在特警隊才可看到手套和馬褲。
And he had the weapons: an assault rifle, shotgun and two Glock handguns - all bought and held legally in Colorado, and all used to such deadly effect. 並且他還擁有武器:一把衝鋒槍,一把獵槍和兩把格洛克手槍—所有的武器都是在科羅拉多合法買進並持有,這些武器帶來了如此致命的影響。
He looked so much like one of the characters in the sell-out Batman movie being shown early on Friday that people thought he was part of the show - a first-night stunt - until he threw a gas cylinder and began firing. 他看起來很像在星期五首映的大片《蝙蝠俠》電影中的人物之一,人們都認為他是電影的一部分—首映式的特技—直到他扔下煤氣罐並開始射擊。
'Shy and reserved' “害羞與保守”
There have been some horrific accounts of the panic in the theatre when he fired on a packed crowd who stumbled over each other to escape the hundreds of bullets.當他向擁擠的人群,向那些為躲避上百發子彈而相互絆倒的人群開槍的時候,這個電影院已經有一些可怕的恐慌記錄。
People who had excitedly gone to the first midnight showing of the summer blockbuster were left with gruesome images they will never forget” 人們興奮地在去看夏季大片首映式卻留下了可怕的陰影,他們將永遠無法忘懷。
Children - even toddlers - were among the injured. 甚至是剛學步的小孩—也在傷患之內。
People who had excitedly gone to the first midnight showing of the summer blockbuster were left with gruesome images they will never forget. 人們興奮地在去看夏季大片首映式,卻留下了可怕的陰影,他們將永遠無法忘懷。
A friend of James Holmes who spoke to the BBC, but wished to remain anonymous, described him as "shy and reserved" as he recalled their trip together to see the very first of the blockbuster Batman movies. 詹姆斯‧霍姆斯的一位朋友向BBC談到,但他希望保持匿名,當他回憶起與霍姆斯一同去看最早的大片《蝙蝠俠》時,他用 “害羞,保守”來描述霍姆斯。
This time James Holmes again bought a ticket, but half an hour into the film stepped outside to change and returned with the high-powered weapons. 這次,詹姆斯‧霍姆斯同樣買了票,但是在進去半小時後再次出來換上高性能武器,然後再次回到了電影院。
He was arrested quickly and with little incident at the back of the cinema near his car - he told police it was booby-trapped, as was his apartment. 很快,警方在電影院後面的停車場逮捕了他,他聲稱自己的公寓裡還有炸彈。
The car was clear, but the flat was rigged with what appeared to be explosive devices and trip wires. 這輛車很乾淨,但是公寓卻似乎裝有爆炸裝置和導線。
The neighbors were evacuated from their homes and efforts to make the area safe will continue on Saturday. 鄰居已從家裡疏散,並努力排除危險,此舉將持續到星期六。