Seouls metro expects major safety overhaul 首爾地鐵預計進行安全大檢修


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Japanese video says women who do their makeup while on commute are ugly 日本影片稱通勤時化妝的女人「很醜」


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Marathon Runner Tries to Bring Home a Piece of the Gobi  沙漠中遇見你 —— 超馬選手與小狗的溫馨邂逅


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Millions of Asians Paid Bribes for Public Services-數百萬亞洲人賄賂公家機關


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Food for Thought: Ivrea's Battle of the Oranges  義大利的水果大戰── 伊夫雷亞橘子節


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Company offers employees unsick days so they can visit the doctor-公司提供「無病」假讓員工看醫生


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U.S. midsection grapples with pesky ice storm ; more on the way 美國中部對付惱人的冰風暴;更多冰風暴接踵而至


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Poison Garden  致命的美麗 —— 安尼克毒藥花園


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Facebook generation lonelier than elderly 「臉書世代」比老年人更寂寞


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