THE TAMAR PLATFORM, Israel — Alarms rang out across the Tamar natural gas platform off the coast of Israel.
精英翻譯出自 http://paper.udn.com/udnpaper/POH0067/271506/web/
Along with stock and real estate portfolios, the rich are now buying a new form of economic security: passport portfolios.
Since she burst onto the scene in 1945 with her mismatched socks, abundant freckles and two red braids sticking straight out of her head, Pippi Longstocking, a rambunctious, joyful girl strong enough to lift horses, has become a touchstone for generations of children who have read her in 65 languages .
Ebola gives me nightmares. Bird flu and SARS scare me. But what terrifies me is artificial intelligence. The first three, with enough resources, humans could stop. The last, which humans are creating, could become unstoppable.
WASHINGTON — A mysterious virus emerges in Africa and spreads. An anxious and skeptical public rejects scientific evidence that the lethal virus is transmitted only through body fluids. There are no drugs to effectively treat infected patients, nor a vaccine to prevent new cases.
MONTEBELLO, California — Igor Pasternak believes he is on the verge of changing the world of large cargo with a 235-meter -long, helium-filled airship that would be capable of delivering fresh fruit to Alaska, dropping triage units at disaster sites or depositing heavy machinery into remote locations.
It has been nearly 20 years since a landmark education study found that, by age 3, children from low-income families have heard 30 million fewer words than more affluent children, putting them at an educational disadvantage before they have begun school.
ST. ANDREWS, New Zealand — About three decades ago, when Andrew Fraser began raising sheep, wool was among the star exports of this nation. Its other sheep products — lamb and mutton — were supporting actors.