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Mars Food tells customers to go easy on the pasta sauce 瑪氏食品公司建議消費者少吃義大利麵醬


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Weathering the Storms: Taiwan's Turbulent Weather Patterns  台灣天氣小百科


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Ancient Philippi to claim spot on UNESCO list 腓利比遺址登錄聯合國教科文組織名錄


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Some Food for Thought  口腹之思:重探現代健康飲食


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Pak marks 50 years since North Koreas World Cup shock 朴斗翼紀念北韓世足賽爆冷50週年


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Madrid: Reaffirming Its Clout  馬德里:不思議的影響力


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Eating fruits and veggies will boost happiness...after 2 years 吃蔬果將增加快樂……在貫徹2年後


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Living the Life on Ilha Formosa  福爾摩沙的在地生活美學


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Forum examines where mental health, law enforcement intersect 論壇檢視心理衛生與執法機構交錯之處


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From Sunset Industry to a Renaissance: The Ongoing Metamorphosis of the Textile Industry in Taiwan  夕陽工業大復興:台灣紡織業的美麗蛻變


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Eating legumes may aid in weight loss 豆類食物或許能幫你減重


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Fresh Faces Newcomers to Taiwan 台灣新住民——向前邁進的驅動力


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A Healthier Way to Feed Your Cat: Hide Its Meals 讓你家貓咪更健康:藏好貓食


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Keeping the Memory Alive 緬懷祖先 全球面面觀


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Drinkable sunscreen offers a new form of skin protection 保護皮膚新方法防曬乳用喝的


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A Healthy Economy of Fruits  寶島水果——台灣經濟之寶


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Huge long-necked dinosaurs had big, precocious babies 大型長頸恐龍有早熟的大寶寶


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Chuck Feeney : The Philanthropreneur Who Lives to Give 查克.費尼:免稅購物集團大亨的慈善之路


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Nepals female climbers blaze trails for themselves 尼泊爾女性登山家勇猛踏出自己的路


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San Fermin: Spain's Biggest Fete  狂熱西班牙──聖費爾明奔牛節


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