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Licensed to swill007 set to boost vodka sales 豪飲執照:007開始促進伏特加銷售量


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Unseen Tours  旅遊新風貌── 街遊倫敦


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Healthier lifestyles could cut cancer cases by a third 較健康的生活方式可能減少3分之1的癌症


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Paper Cathedrals  環保‧重生‧紙教堂


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James Bonds past and present on show at Madame Tussauds 杜莎夫人蠟像館展示過去與現在的詹姆士.龐德


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The Museum for Wax People 偶像零距離的體驗 ── 杜莎夫人蠟像館


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New England man offers to ship autumn foliage for $19.99 新英格蘭男子提供19.99美元寄送秋天樹葉的服務


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Good Fortune Bites 幸運餅乾。驚喜無限


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For Seniors, Any Exercise May Be Better Than None 對年長者而言,任何運動或許都比不動好


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The Beast on Two Wheels  雙輪猛獸 —— 哈雷重機


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Railway buffs bid farewell to lonely Hokkaido station that opened in 1943 鐵道迷向1943年啟用的偏僻北海道車站道別


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The Roswell UFO Festival 一起來狂歡吧 ── 羅斯威爾幽浮節


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Titanic survivor worlds most valuable biscuit up for auction 鐵達尼號倖存者:世界上最昂貴的餅乾即將拍賣


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Message in a Bottle  浪漫瓶中信


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Global warmingare trees going on strike? 全球暖化:樹木也受到影響嗎?


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From France to Japan... On a Bicycle  千里走單騎從法國到日本的再生能源之旅


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Plush toy-maker creates `Cecil the Lion Beanie Baby 填充玩具製造商打造「獅子塞西爾」豆豆公仔


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Take a Walk on the Wild Side 以動物為師‧鍛鍊好身材 ── Zuu


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Over a ton of rejected fruit, vegetables feed Athenians 超過1噸被丟棄的蔬果餵飽雅典人


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Hoop Dreams  籃球夢想的最高殿堂 —— NBA


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