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Attack of the Smartphone Zombies! 低頭殭屍大軍來襲!

Jay Sailors

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Study: Penguins choose to eat jellyfish despite lack of nutrition-研究:儘管沒營養,企鵝仍會吃水母


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Riders for Health  為健康奮鬥的騎士


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Listening to too much Christmas music is bad for your health, according to clinical psychologist 臨床心理學家:聽太多耶誕音樂對健康有害


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Crocs Alive!  與鱷魚來場親密接觸吧!


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Gel-like ice is the lightest form of water ever discovered 迄今發現最輕盈的水形態,凝膠般的冰


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Choices That Save Lives  拯救生命的決定


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Finland baker launches bread made from crushed crickets-芬蘭麵包師傅推出碎蟋蟀做成的麵包


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Believe It or Not—a Battery-Free Cell Phone信不信由你:無電池手機時代來臨!

Andrew Crosthwaite

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Sleeping alongside your dog can help you get a better night’s rest, claims study-研究主張,愛犬陪在身邊讓你更好睡


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A Game Played without Hands 不用雙手、只靠雙腳的足球運動


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Sorry, cat people, dogs are smarter


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Sous Vide: Cooking Made Easy    舒肥 —— 低溫慢煮的哲學

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Effigies of ghosts, monsters spook visitors in Okayama


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Real-Life Super Children 得天獨厚的小神童們


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NASA took the 1st, astonishing aerial photos of the giant new Antarctic iceberg


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The Safest Penguins in the World    被地雷守護的企鵝天堂


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Seoul Metro to ban plastic surgery ads by 2022




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The Reading Ring神奇新「視戒」


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Montrealers embracing Black Friday, Cyber Monday sales 蒙特婁民眾響應「黑色星期五」和「網路星期一」特賣


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