Ads Go Wild: Wildposting?
Wildposting has taken over the street scenes in many metropolitan areas, and it does not stop where the city ends. 大量的廣告張貼佔據了都會街景。而且,這樣瘋狂的張貼並不僅止於城市裡面。
上面例句明明在講廣告,但卻看不到ads (advertisements)一字?
由wild (adj.) 「野、瘋狂的」和posting (n.) 「廣告或公佈等張貼」組合而成的新詞:「失控的廣告宣傳」。來看看以下幾類會出現在十字路口、街道上、公路上和大眾運輸交通工具上面的分類廣告。
1. Billboards and Banners 廣告看板和旗幟
Peggy: Turn here! You missed the turn! 在這邊轉彎!你錯過了!
John: Where's the turn? I didn't see it. 哪裡說要轉彎?我沒看到!
Peggy: It was behind the billboard. 就在廣告看板後面啊!
John: I didn't see it because of the billboards and banners along the highways. All these wildpostings are blocking the traffic signs." 就是因為整條公路上的廣告看板和旗幟,我根本就看不到嘛!這些廣告張貼擋住了交通號誌!
2. Flashing (A)texts and moving icons on (B)electrical billboards 電子廣告看板上閃爍的文字和跑馬燈圖片
John: At intersections, electrical billboards compete with traffic controls. The flashing texts and moving icons are everywhere! 在十字路口,電子廣告看板與紅綠燈一較高下,就好像那些跑馬燈文字和圖片到處都是!
Peggy: Oh well, it's visual competition. 喔!視覺上的競爭嘛!
John: Yes, and sometimes businesses even get their employees to dress up as giant dolls or animals to (C)prance around the street corners. 是呀!有時候商家還會要員工穿上玩偶裝,或扮成動物,在街角走來走去引人注意。
Peggy: Ha-ha. That's what I call wild. 哈哈!這樣打廣告就真的瘋狂了!
3. TV commercials 電視廣告
(A) Texts and icons - 分類廣告、簡訊、郵件中的「文字和圖片」。
(B) Electrical - 是「電子的」、「帶電的」。不同於electronic「電器的」,加上s變成名詞:electronics「電器用品」。
(C) Prance - 是個誇張的動詞:「昂首闊步、大搖大擺、招搖的走路」。