Shei-Pa National Park creates aerial platform to study forest canopy ecology (2014/02/19)
To study the canopy of Shei-Pa National Park, two 7-story aerial research platforms were created and linked together by a bridge. These form Taiwan’s first high-altitude canopy research platform.
To get to this aerial platform, you need to wear a safety helmet, a safety harness, carabiners and a safety rope. You use your hands and feet to climb this rope up into the air.
This aerial platform sits 21 meters in the air, roughly the equivalent of a 7-storey building. The two platforms can accommodate six people, and there is a 10-meter bridge between them. For those with a fear of heights, walking on this bridge, with big gaps between wooden planks, can be a hair-raising adventure.
Overseas researchers frequently use lifts or hot air balloons to research forest canopies, though Taiwan researchers have a difficult and physically strenuous task of climbing ropes high into the air.
From this tree, the view is very different. Video cameras capture squirrels eating meat and bird eggs.
Lee Chiu-fang
Shei-Pa National Park Director
Reaching the canopy at higher than 20 meters allows us to see natural ecology that we rarely see.
These aerial platforms linked by an aerial bridge may soon be open to others who want to experience the special feeling of being high up in the forest canopy.
[[雪霸國家公園處長 李秋芳]]
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