DPP legislator speculates Lien Chan against Ma-Xi meeting (2014/02/19)
As government and KMT representatives meet with Chinese officials, one potential meeting still takes precedent over all others. It’s no secret that Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou would like to arrange a meeting between himself and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Right now, the only Taiwanese politician with access to Xi is KMT Honorary Chairman Lien Chan. With relations between Ma and Lien tense, there is speculation that Lien is hoping to keep the two presidents at a distance.
Shortly after Taiwan’s top cross-strait minister, Wang Yu-chi, left China, Beijing welcomed another Taiwanese politician. This time Lien Chan met Xi Jinping at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse.
Lien Chan
Honorary KMT Chairman
As cross-strait relations continue to improve and strengthen, a peaceful political environment will gradually emerge. We are moving up, one level at a time, moving further and further.
Xi Jinping
Chinese President
The recent Zhang-Wang meeting reached many consensuses and many achievements that can be used to develop cross-strait relations.
According to Lien’s aides, Xi asked the KMT honorary chairman for his opinions on a mooted meeting between Xi and Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou. Lien said he would be happy to see the meeting take place, but reminded Xi that extensive preparations are needed before world leaders meet. DPP Legislator Tsai Huang-liang gave this response:
Tsai Huang-liang
DPP Legislator
This seems like an indirect way of denying the feasibility of a Ma-Xi meeting. In other words, Lien Chan doesn’t support such a meeting. He wants to guide the cross-strait discussion and doesn’t want Ma Ying-jeou to steal his thunder.
Today, in a meeting of the KMT Standing Committee, Ma said he supports Lien meeting with Xi. Ma added that he would like to see more such meetings in the future.
[[國民黨榮譽主席 連戰]]
[[中共總書記 習近平]]
[[立委(民) 蔡煌瑯]]
“這個幾乎就是間接否決,馬習會的可能性,也就是說連戰本身,並不贊成馬習會 ,連戰要主導兩岸的議題,他不願意馬英九跟他爭搶鋒頭”
本文引用自 民視新聞網 http://news.xn--1qws34d.com/